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Yogi Kathamrut (Telugu Edition of Autobiography of a Yogi)
Paramhans Yogananda
Author Paramhans Yogananda
Publisher Yogada Satsanga
ISBN 9788189955359
No. Of Pages 590
Edition 2014
Format Paperback
Language Telugu
Price रु 175.00
Discount(%) 0.00
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Yogi Kathamrut (Telugu Edition of Autobiography of a Yogi) by Paramhansa Yogananda

Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda is not just his life’s history, but an account of his spiritual journey and his trysts with people who inspired and influenced his life.

The author’s spiritual quest started early in life, as he was always curious about what lay beyond mere bodily existence. His interest in spirituality and his pursuits down this path introduced him to a number of Indian saints and gurus, and even famous international personalities, the details of which he has put down quite candidly in this book.

In this text, Paramahamsa Yogananda has written about one such guru, Lahiri Mahasaya, in detail. He has also written about his quest to find his own guru, which culminated in his meeting Sri Yukteshwar, who, in turn, was himself a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya. Yogananda later spent many years in the ashram of his guru, and was trained in Yoga and spiritual knowledge. He spent years mastering a branch of Yoga called Kriya Yoga. Yogananda later taught this practice to the western world.

He explains his relationship with his guru, and his experiences at the hermitage in detail. Many chapters in the book are devoted to explaining the phenomenon of miracles that are recorded in all regions, across the world. He also attempts to explain the underlying science behind these events. Yogananda later moved to the United States of  America (USA) and he lived there, teaching yoga and meditation to the people there.

In the book Autobiography of a Yogi, the author also recounts his interesting encounters with renowned people like Mahatma Gandhi, Luther Burbank, Rabindranath Tagore, Therese Neumann, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir C.V. Raman, and Ramana Maharishi. The book is an absorbing read, and it is written in his unique and candid style.


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